Subject: [*] a HyperCard FTP site (partial listing) From: (Ian Feldman) Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 21:28:41 +0100 Following a recent visit to Ken Fisher's anonymous FTP site [] I've assembled a cleaned-up (and therefore readable ;-)) listing of sample 3 HyperCard subdirectories there: Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC.HYPERCARD.SMALL_APPLS] HYPERCARD.UTILITIES] HYPERCARD.X] __Ian ----- cut ------ $ FTP [] ftp> login: anonymous ftp> passwd: a will suffice ftp> cd pub/mac ftp> dir Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC] applications.dir 1 4-nov-92 ddexpand_375.sea 154 1-jul-92 <--all stacks have ddexpand_375sea.hqx 212 1-jul-92 been compressed development.dir 1 4-nov-92 with DiskDoubler fonts.dir 1 4-nov-92 use DDExpand to ftp_readme. 2 17-jul-92 decompress them games.dir 7 4-nov-92 graphics.dir 1 4-nov-92 hypercard.dir 1 4-nov-92 <--listing follows hyper_hall.dir 1 13-jan-93 sound.dir 1 4-nov-92 text.dir 1 4-nov-92 updaters_demos.dir 3 4-nov-92 utilities.dir 2 4-nov-92 Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC.HYPERCARD] astronomy.dir 1 4-nov-92 biology.dir 1 4-nov-92 chemistry.dir 2 4-nov-92 education.dir 2 4-nov-92 fun.dir 2 4-nov-92 linguistics.dir 1 4-nov-92 math.dir 1 4-nov-92 new_age.dir 1 4-nov-92 psychology.dir 1 4-nov-92 small_appls.dir 3 4-nov-92 <--listings of these telecom.dir 1 4-nov-92 utilities.dir 6 4-nov-92 <--3 subdirectories x.dir 9 4-nov-92 <--follow below Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC.HYPERCARD.SMALL_APPLS] +------ size in 512-byte blocks | 274 8-jun-92 address_ace_25.dd 790 26-apr-92 area_zip_codes_31.dd 192 5-jun-92 bibliography_mgr_ii.dd 26 26-apr-92 bicycle_gear_calculator_33.dd 110 15-jan-93 cat.dd 156 15-jan-93 chapman_catalog. 336 15-jan-93 cirdan_cards.dd 47 26-apr-92 contacts_121.dd 85 17-jul-92 cross_training_log.dd 48 9-may-92 dive_log_10.dd 27 9-may-92 election.dd 43 26-apr-92 family_record_10.dd 343 8-jun-92 free_text_v103.dd 21 17-jul-92 grant_writer_20.dd 68 26-apr-92 grayline_clock.dd 55 9-may-92 hyperconference.dd 142 1-jul-92 hyperdecisiontree_204.dd 154 15-jan-93 hyperexpert_25.dd 88 15-jan-93 investment_tracker.dd 224 26-apr-92 microbartender231.dd 70 15-jan-93 prop_factory.dd 144 17-jul-92 recipe_20b.dd 75 9-may-92 reftracker_16.dd 166 15-jan-93 ref_notes_21.dd 33 8-jun-92 scireferences.dd 26 5-jun-92 sci_citation_finder.dd 196 8-jun-92 snowball_ref_notes_21.dd 41 17-jul-92 software_librarian.dd 32 21-oct-92 speaker.dd 31 26-apr-92 taskmaster_11.dd Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC.HYPERCARD.UTILITIES] +------ size in 512-byte blocks | 128 15-jan-93 apple_event_tester_v_1_fol.dd 4 9-may-92 apple_event_test_elwin.dd 205 26-apr-92 beyond_hypercard.dd 136 9-may-92 bubblehelp_demo.dd 29 9-may-92 catstuff_v20.dd 17 9-may-92 chunk_offset_ii.dd 468 26-apr-92 compileit_20.dd 80 26-apr-92 delimiter_fixer_103.dd 111 26-apr-92 developers_utilities.dd 363 28-sep-92 digest_browser.dd 17 26-apr-92 director_stuff.dd 89 9-may-92 displayit_10.dd 53 26-apr-92 finderevents_102.dd 56 9-may-92 finder_cleaner_10.dd 88 9-may-92 font_fixes_for_system_7.dd 16 9-may-92 hcballoon_12.dd 18 26-apr-92 hc_21_tech_notes.dd 7 26-apr-92 hc_animator.dd 174 26-apr-92 heiditools.dd 84 1-jul-92 hp2pict_deck.dd 45 26-apr-92 hyper20macintalk.dd 19 26-apr-92 hyperappleevent_stacks.dd 47 26-apr-92 hypercad_3d.dd 34 9-may-92 hypercard_rtf.dd 39 9-may-92 hypercharter_15.dd 79 26-apr-92 hyperdex_10b10.dd 65 9-may-92 hyperevent_paint.dd 14 15-jan-93 hypermerge_202.dd 134 15-jan-93 hypermovie_player_30_fold.dd 38 26-apr-92 hypertalk_help.dd 18 9-may-92 hypertalk_progress_bar.dd 127 15-jan-93 hypertype.dd 247 9-may-92 hyper_installer.dd 84 9-may-92 iconfont.dd 43 9-may-92 icontime_101.dd 90 9-may-92 import_export_tools.dd 31 9-may-92 lights.dd 21 9-may-92 list_randomizer_21.dd 42 9-may-92 localization_navigator.dd 352 1-jul-92 lone_ranger_20b21.dd 50 11-aug-92 macintalk_stack_v40.dd 33 9-may-92 no_place__.dd 16 9-may-92 objecttools.dd 20 9-may-92 paptest.dd 19 9-may-92 parse_functions.dd 93 28-sep-92 path.dd 128 9-may-92 penguin_utilities.dd 14 9-may-92 pictoid_utilities.dd 39 26-apr-92 print_report.dd 20 26-apr-92 print_the_scripts.dd 40 26-apr-92 program_reporter_stack.dd 11 9-may-92 recover.dd 76 26-apr-92 reftracker_16.dd 23 17-jul-92 regionsfromhc.dd 26 9-may-92 reverse_10.dd 73 28-sep-92 rtf_import_10.dd 94 8-jun-92 script_manager. 13 9-may-92 security.dd 41 9-may-92 sound_collection.dd 166 26-apr-92 stackdetective231.dd 16 9-may-92 stacklist_10.dd 26 15-jan-93 stacks_menu.dd 250 28-sep-92 stacktools_menu_13.dd 12 9-may-92 stack_analyzer_22.dd 52 21-oct-92 stack_crusher_14.dd 40 21-oct-92 stack_dissector_11.dd 22 8-jun-92 stack_dumper20.dd 18 11-aug-92 storyboarder_211.dd 9 9-may-92 style_palette.dd 86 9-may-92 switchxroo_11.dd 127 8-jun-92 utilityscripts.dd 9 9-may-92 windowsmenu.dd 22 9-may-92 wordfind_11.dd 49 9-may-92 xreftext8.dd Directory DISK$ACAD:[ANONYMOUS.PUB.MAC.HYPERCARD.X] +----- size in 512-byte blocks | 10 21-oct-92 aliases.dd 20 15-jan-93 askcolor.dd 27 11-aug-92 balloon_xcmd_v101.dd 121 28-sep-92 bungdabbathangs.dd 70 8-jun-92 byrnes_xcmds.dd 35 21-oct-92 card_control_palette.dd 86 8-jun-92 chiclette104.dd 39 1-jul-92 clipboard.dd 15 15-jan-93 cliptoicon_10.dd 298 28-sep-92 colorizing_hc_11.dd 309 21-oct-92 colorizing_hc_112.dd 2 9-may-92 colorizing_hc_doc.dd 42 9-may-92 color_installer_10.dd 65 28-sep-92 colourtextpackage.dd 66 21-oct-92 colour_text_11.dd 32 21-oct-92 comment_windoid.dd 32 9-may-92 comment_xcmd.dd 38 9-may-92 compression.dd 470 9-may-92 dartmouth_xcmds_343.dd 9 26-apr-92 ddxcmds.dd 505 15-jan-93 developerstack13r.dd 48 9-may-92 dialogs_stack_20_us.dd 17 9-may-92 director_stuff.dd 15 15-jan-93 dismount_12.dd 11 17-jul-92 dohcalert_10.dd 26 26-apr-92 d_eject.dd 52 9-may-92 editstring.dd 9 8-jun-92 fastalert.dd 56 5-jun-92 fasttab103.dd 60 9-may-92 finderevents.dd 63 9-may-92 find_resources.dd 17 9-may-92 flashwind_xcmd.dd 28 9-may-92 forgetwindow.dd 35 28-sep-92 gestalt_31.dd 11 11-aug-92 getaddressingmode.dd 5 9-may-92 getfileinfo.dd 10 15-jan-93 getmiscellaneous_10.dd 10 11-aug-92 getnumhits_10.dd 10 8-jun-92 getprocessor10.dd 11 15-jan-93 getqd_10.dd 24 9-may-92 getsetup_xfcn.dd 10 15-jan-93 getstandardfile_10.dd 10 15-jan-93 getstandardnbp_10.dd 11 28-sep-92 get_setcreatedate_10.dd 11 28-sep-92 get_setmoddate_10.dd 28 9-may-92 get_settype.dd 27 9-may-92 globalizer_xcmd_10.dd 51 17-jul-92 guide_to_xcmds.dd 10 17-jul-92 hc_appletalk.dd 43 9-may-92 hierpopup_271.dd 78 9-may-92 hp2pict_deck.dd 34 9-may-92 hypercard_rtf.dd 15 9-may-92 hyperdata.dd 80 9-may-92 hyperdex_10b10.dd 33 9-may-92 jeffs_xcmds.dd 127 15-jan-93 jfif_utilities.dd 24 9-may-92 jon_s_xfcns_12.dd 15 8-jun-92 listdialog15.dd 31 28-sep-92 locale.dd 203 15-jan-93 maccenter_20.dd 44 26-apr-92 macintalk_hc2.dd 28 17-jul-92 mask_it_10.dd 55 9-may-92 matchline_xfcn.dd 5 11-aug-92 movecursor.dd 75 28-sep-92 movie_viewing_.dd 22 9-may-92 multiscroll_xcmd.dd 53 28-sep-92 palette_stack.dd 47 9-may-92 pathchange.dd 12 9-may-92 pickupbkgnd_xcmd_v2.dd 15 26-apr-92 pictoid_stack.dd 18 9-may-92 playchord_xcmd.dd 49 9-may-92 polybuttons.dd 23 8-jun-92 popupmenus.dd 26 11-aug-92 powerbook_dial_fix.dd 19 15-jan-93 powers_10.dd 1210 17-jul-92 practical_xfcns.dd 15 11-aug-92 printjobinfo_11.dd 27 21-oct-92 progress_window.dd 17 28-sep-92 qtplay.dd 14 9-may-92 quickeys_2_xcmd.dd 3 9-may-92 recentproc.dd 3 26-apr-92 rescompare_xfcn.dd 60 26-apr-92 rescopy_20.dd 56 1-jul-92 resourcelist.dd 24 15-jan-93 resourcesearcher.dd 21 9-may-92 resources_xfcn.dd 875 28-sep-92 rinaldi-externals_201.dd 17 15-jan-93 rubberbandrect_10d_copy.dd 64 15-jan-93 screenlist. 25 21-oct-92 searchplus.sea 20 17-jul-92 six_little_goodies.dd 24 11-aug-92 slider_palette_maker_10.dd 26 21-oct-92 status_window.dd 65 9-may-92 stripduplicates_xfcn.dd 18 11-aug-92 striplist.dd 102 8-jun-92 stuffit_xcmds.dd 9 9-may-92 style_palette.dd 478 26-apr-92 support_tools_externals.dd 52 1-jul-92 tbx_draw.dd 23 15-jan-93 test_launchfile. 116 1-jul-92 timer.dd 139 9-may-92 tkpopmenu_xcmd_20.dd 62 26-apr-92 tompalette_2.dd 14 21-oct-92 trueidle.dd 25 17-jul-92 using_apps_as_xcmds.dd 22 9-may-92 wordfind_11.dd 75 17-jul-92 xpict.dd 255 9-may-92 xrules_demo.dd 150 9-may-92 xrules_tutorial.dd .. assembled 10-mar-93 by Ian Feldman ..